
Today marked my last day with fforesite. It has been a crazy 1 year, 1 month and 1 week with the company.

I think in overall it was an amazing experience working for them. I’ve got to work with highly talented, intelligent, interesting and nice people.

I also got introduced to ColdFusion and somehow that led me to a whole lot areas that I haven’t think or encountered before. The best thing about ColdFusion, in my opinion, is the community of bloggers behind it, the quality of the blogs is just top notch ranging from issues like IDE, RIA, Code generation, OOP, deployment etc2. The wealth of resources and information is just amazing. I think I quite like the idea of being an Adobe Web Specialist as a viable career direction, which somehow a change from my old dream of being a pure Java developer/architect.

Back to the day itself, (I think) I managed to keep the golden rules of leaving: “shut up, shut up and shut up”. Although I think I did say one stupid thing in the end, but I guess in overall it went OK.

I wasn’t quite emotional about the whole thing, maybe because I have pondered about it for quite a while. Although it’s still sad for not being able to work with the people anymore, but I’m hoping that I can keep in touch with most of them one way or another.

Moving forward, Monday, I’m starting with my new employee recruitAdvantage. I honestly don’t know what to expect, all I know is I will still be coding in ColdFusion (with possibility of Flex thrown to the equation).

But I am embracing the change, I hope I will be a good fit for the company and it will be lasting work relationship.