Last major computer upgrade was 2003, I spent: $168 for GA-8PE800 Motherboardn $298 for P 2.4 CPU $163 for PQI DDR333 768 MB $60 for CPU case ? Harddisk (80GB Seagate)
From then on, I bought a DVD drive, a new graphic card NVIDIA GeForce FX5200, DVD writer and wireless keyboard and mouse.
My 17" LG Monitor and Altec Lansing speaker are the two things that probably older than any other part of my computer. I am contemplating a dual LCD screens setup, although I still like CRT better, buat dual CRT will take too much space. I am really pleased with my speaker, it sounds good, didn’t cost too much and it’s lasting quite a while.
I need a new HD soon, if I want to keep up with the technology, I would need to buy a SATA one, but my mobo doesn’t support SATA, will it mean that i need to upgrade mobo too, which might well mean upgrading CPU and memory in the process.. I would also need more memory, running servers, dreamweaver and firefox is quite slow.
Hm, might as well upgrade the whole thing, but my next major upgrade cycle is still 2 years away. I guess I have to be content with what I have for the time being.