Star performers

I am pleasantly surprised with the vast array of books that are now available to our RA library. Never knew they own that many books.

I’ve read parts of this interesting book: 201 Ways to Turn Any Employee Into a Star Performer by Casey Fitts Hawley

Some stuffs that I get out of the book (things that I can relate to).

Casey suggested that companies should have a (long term) development plan for employees. However there are some factors (myth) why business might shy away from this

Spending time and attention to your great employees will have better ROI than spending time with the problematic ones. The cost of losing great employees is astronomical. It’s a highly likely that your great employees are being constantly approached by headhunters, family, friends etc for job opportunities.

Nicholas Stern says:

Great employees are dependable and high performing, they continue to push and push to meet the goals set for them and their own goals. But often they do this at a cost of their personal life and health.

By the end of the year, the burn out employees will look for another position since a failure (incompentence, which might occur due to their burnout) or a half hearted effort is just not good enough for them. The problem with these star performers is sometimes they can’t bring themselves to cut back or ask help from management, hence starting afresh elsewhere is more tempting proposition.

Possible remedies:

Invest in the great employees will offer the greatest payback in productivity, innovation and contributions.