RORO Meetup 12/07

I have made it to RORO (Ruby on Rails Oceania) Meetup for 3 meetings in a row now. Last night was particularly interesting - interesting because I finally can understand most of the presentations :).

Anyway quick round up and my thoughts from last night meetup..

Sneak peek into Westfield and Ruby in the enterprise by Lightning Dave Bolton @lightningdb Dave explained challenges running Ruby in an enterprise setup (Westfield being the enterprise). Not only technological challenge but also organizational as well - enterprise = more internal stakeholders to take into account.

One of the quotables quote of the day was “Everyday we are committing legacy code” - so as developer we should write code with the mind of people who will maintain our code down the track.

One point Dave mentioned that is close to my heart is: in order for Ruby to continue to flourish, it needs new developers coming to it (exactly my thoughts with the problem of ColdFusion in Australia).

It is quite interesting to me as at work, we have been thinking of moving away from Lucene to Solr - with a testing tool such what Andrew presented, we can at least test the search result before and after.

Nice to see ActiveAdmin in action as well - been wanting to try it out.

All in all a very nice night - managed to drag Filippo Vitale along and I think he had a great time too (he even asked me to go to the hack night with him!). Got to know few people as well - which is great.